Let’s learn about plagiarism!

4 min readSep 2, 2020


Oxford Dictionary defines plagiarism as:

Plagiarism is presenting someone else’s work or ideas as your own, with or without their consent, by incorporating it into your work without full acknowledgement. All published and unpublished material, whether in manuscript, printed or electronic form, is covered under this definition.

We could be plagiarizing!

As the technology is growing faster than ever, it brings us the ease of information exchange at our fingertips in real-time. With this supreme advancement, we are likely to copy other’s work of value, intentionally or unintentionally.

Whether we know it or not, copying someone’s intellectual data without their consent or due credit is indeed a literary crime; commonly known as Plagiarism. Mostly students fell prey to this bad deed. Therefore, special care should be taken whenever you are submitting your academic work. Be reasonable to use internet while doing your home-works.

Common Plagiarism Categories

Straight-forward copy pasting.

It is the word-to-word duplication of else’s work without the attribution to legit author or source.

Re-use what you did before.

This happens when you knowingly or unknowingly copy your past work. Well, there are cases where you have to mention what you did in the past. But presenting your own old work as something is equal to critical plagiarism.

Patch plagiarism.

When a writer, a student or any content creator copy-pastes piece of original work from multiple sources without giving them due credit. This is could be a a patch-work of plagiarism. Though seems pretty naive, it can lead to serious penalties.

Honest accident.

Well, we are humans belonging to the same race. It is obvious to have similar ideas. As to err is human. When you accidentally copies or misquotes someone’s content, this could be a coincidental plagiarism. Fix it as soon as possible, because even though you don’t know it, it is still an unethical act.

Plagiarism is easy & attractive!

Whether agree or not, copying quality work seems so easy at start. And so many other reasons make it even more charming than we can think of! Let’s see what those reasons could be:-

  • Lack of self-confidence
  • Fear of the failure
  • Poor writing skills.
  • Less time, and a ticking deadline!
  • Bad planning or no planning at all.
  • Natural Commitments and unavoidable personal reasons.
  • Lack of clarity.
  • Less or no interest in the subject
  • Considering Plagiarism as a minor or no-offense at all.

What causes unintentional plagiary?

The fast pace of today’s digital world has led us to produce and consume more content than ever. In such vast majority of data ocean, we cannot define which content is original and which one is a duplicated or extended copy of it.

To Err is human!

Even if anyone escapes the subject of authenticity from a particular source, there are many other possibilities that could highlight the digital trails of our work. So it's better not to copy without due credit and end-up being an unintentional culprit.

It is better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation.

- Herman Melville

Solution is easily available.

For those who want to produce quality content, Plagiarism Checker X is the most feasible solution. This one tool offers a variety of features addressing a wide range of users from all spheres of life. Well, to name a few of them, mostly Teachers, Professors, Students, Researches, Bloggers and Marketers across 80+ countries are taking full benefit from Plagiarism Checker X.

You can also use Plagiarism Checker X to gain competitive edge and excel in your career. For software details, features, price-plans and how-to guides, feel free to visit www.plagiarismcheckerx.com.

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Written by PlagiarismCheckerX

Plagiarism Checker X Reinvented Version 7.0.10 is faster and more accurate than before to detect plagiarism in your research papers, blogs, assignments.

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